MATHEMATICS Text Book Class 3 | Maharashtra State Board Syllabus Year 2021-22
The ‘Primary Education Curriculum - 2012’ was prepared in the State of Maharashtra following the ‘Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009’ and the ‘National Curriculum Framework 2005’. The Textbook Bureau has launched a new series of Mathematics textbooks based on this syllabus approved by the State Government for Stds I to VIII from the academic year 2013-2014. We are happy to place the textbook of Standard Three in this series in your hands.
Our approach while designing this textbook was that the entire teaching-learning process should be child-centred, emphasis should be given on active learning and constructivism and at the end of Primary Education the students should have attained the desired competencies and that the process of education should become enjoyable and interesting.
Children have a natural liking for pictures and constantly try to ‘do’ things on their own. Considering these factors, we have tried to make this book pictorial and activity-oriented. As far as possible, expressive illustrations have been used which will lead to a clearer understanding of mathematical concepts.
Graded exercises and conversations have been included in order to ensure revision and reinforcement of mathematical concepts and to facilitate self-learning. It is expected that the children will solve the questions in the exercises on their own. We have tried to provide a variety of exercises to make it interesting for the students.
The language of presentation that the teacher is expected to use has been provided in the textbook. Also, there are some instructions for the teachers themselves. The instructions and the activities aim at making their teaching more activity-oriented.
This book was scrutinized by teachers, educationists and experts in the field of mathematics at all levels and from all parts of the State to make it as flawless and useful as possible. Letters from teachers and parents as also reviews in newspapers have been taken into account while preparing this textbook. The Bureau is grateful to all of them for their co-operation. Their comments and suggestions have been duly considered by the Mathematics Subject Committee while finalising the book.
The Mathematics Subject Committee of the Bureau, the Panel, Shri. V. D. Godbole (Invitee) and the artists have taken great pains to prepare this book. The Bureau is thankful to all of them.
We hope that this book will receive a warm welcome from students, teachers and parents.